Funding Advice
Finding external funding or raising your own funds for a community project can often take up a lot of a committee’s time and effort. Different types of external funding usually comprise of:
- Government funding
- Public funding
- Lottery funding
- Private Trusts
- Community Investment funding
- Community Shares
- Crowdfunding
- Commercial sponsorship
These are mostly in the form of grants or community loans.
Putting together a funding package for your group’s project can be straightforward or rather more complicated, depending on what you are hoping to achieve as well as how much it will cost. You could try looking at some of the funding search websites below, which can help you get some ideas.
Funding Scotland
Foundation Scotland
JB4 Community
You may need to register your details before using these sites, but they are all free for community groups.
If your project requires ‘jigsaw’ funding ie grants from a number of different sources, VABS can help you put this together, with advice on the best places to go and support with funding application forms.
For more information please contact us or email Karen Derrick here at the VABS office or call 01479 873445
Highland Third Sector Interface

VABS is part of the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI) funded by the Scottish Government to support Badenoch and Strathspey communities in the following four areas:
- Volunteering
- Organisational support
- Social Economy/Enterprise
- Community Engagement & Planning