Volunteering Opportunities
Badenoch and Strathspey currently have numerous opportunities, from befriending to driving, cat fostering to cake making, gardening to sports coaching and everything in between.
Our Volunteering Development Officer, Mairi Brown, will enjoy meeting with you to discuss your volunteering and volunteering opportunities in more detail.
Find details of all volunteer opportunities in Badenoch & Strathspey, as well as other parts of Scotland by clicking here or you can search for volunteer opportunities in Scotland:
Register your Organisation’s Volunteering Opportunities!
VABS supports local third sector organisations by promoting their volunteering opportunities and actively recruiting volunteers for voluntary opportunities that have been registered with us.
Many organisations could do with a few extra pairs of hands, whether it’s for admin or finance, event planning or website development, volunteer mentoring or committee members. With new volunteers registering all the time and many more long-standing volunteers looking to change their role in the third sector, we provide a one-stop shop for all volunteering opportunities.
As the Saltire Awards are becoming more and more popular with young people in Badenoch & Strathspey, we will promote your opportunities at Grantown Grammar School and Kingussie High School, as well as on our pop-up Situation Vacant boards across the area and on our Facebook page which reaches the general public, many networks and forums. We can even set up a spot on our local Speysound Radio for you to promote your organisation and opportunities.
VABS can support your organisation to put in place the appropriate insurances, policies, procedures, funding applications and the opportunity itself. With all this in place you could gain recognition for your organisation by going for the Volunteer Friendly Award.
Your organisation’s volunteer opportunity will added to the Volunteer Scotland website as well as promoted across Badenoch and Strathspey via our Facebook page, Situations Vacant boards and directly to potential volunteers. We will contact you to refer interested volunteers in the first instance.
Highland Third Sector Interface

VABS is part of the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI) funded by the Scottish Government to support Badenoch and Strathspey communities in the following four areas:
- Volunteering
- Organisational support
- Social Economy/Enterprise
- Community Engagement & Planning